UPWARD Sports at First Naz exists to connect communities, families, and churches for the purpose of promoting the discovery of Jesus Christ through sports.

Basketball & Cheerleading

Registration begins September 6th for Upward Sports at FirstNaz!


Children in grades Kindergarten through 6th Grade are eligible to participate in Basketball and Cheerleading.

Click below to Register a:

Kindergarten Basketball Player

1st-6th Basketball or Any Age Cheerleader

Interested in coaching a basketball teem or cheer squad? Click here to sign-up! Thanks so much!


Visit our "KnoxUpward" facebook page or Find us on Instagram @KnoxUpward for up-to-date info and cancellations. 

UPWARD Schedule

Registration begins in September each year with practices beginning in December and games held Saturdays in January & February.

Practices are typically scheduled for Mondays, Tuesdays, or Thursdays in the Family Life Center Gymnasium.  

Our evaluations are held each season to help us form more evenly matched teams.  Thank you for participating in this program!