"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"

2 Corinthians 5:17


Catalyst Youth is designed to help middle school and high school students grow their faith,
their character, and their relationships.  We strive to see students discover who they are in Jesus Christ and become the world-changers they were created to be. 


We want to guide our students in developing a personal faith in Christ as they step into their specific roles in the story He's writing with their lives. We desire to reach and inspire our students with dynamic outreach, powerful events, and relevant discipleship. We believe that students, more than any other age group, need to be devoted to a real God that can relate to them in a real world.

Youth Leaders -- Our fabulous youth leaders who make up our staff are committed to loving God and loving teenagers. These folks are prayed in, invited, interviewed, screened, trained, held accountable, & rewarded! They all have the same goal: to show Christ to our youth and guide them in His will.

Parents -- We believe it is our duty to support parents and be on their team. We believe the studies that say that  peers, teachers, youth leaders, and pastors are not those with the largest influence on a teenager’s faith, BUT that a teenager’s parents do! So we pray for our parents and families, and give support to them as well!

Summer Fun

Check Out our Events Calendar!!


Sunday School 9:30 am | Guys & Girls Small Groups --  Group Discussion, Sharing, Prayer, Bible Study


Sunday Worship -- 10:45 am

Join us as we worship together and hear a great sermon!